Purpose and field of application

The intangible assets’ evaluation consists in the application of financial assessment procedures to the intangible assets.

The assessment of intangible assets’ rights is one of the main activities related to the management of the industrial property and companies. Knowledge of the value and economic impact of industrial property rights serves as business keystone to make enterprise’s decisions, and to facilitate the commercialization of these assets, without forgetting the always more present possibility to use intangible assets as a form of guarantee for access to credit.

The purpose of CEB is to certify the economic and financial value of the intangible assets, promoting, in this way, the possibility to give confidence to all the interested parties so that they will acknowledge that the economic and financial evaluation thus obtained meets the requirements specified and foster the development of the company.

The Italian and European productive and industrial system is going through an economic crisis and it is because of this that it is needed to activate process of transformation that will change in depth the way of doing business. This will allow new and different ways of positioning oneself on all the reference markets, in compliance to the principles and trends of the knowledge economy.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili campi applicazione

One of the most effective tools to overcome the crisis seems to be increasingly leveraging the rich capital of intangible assets, such as patents, design, creativity and know-how, which are the basis for the success of many companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. (SMEs).

Intangible assets, especially of technological origin, are, in fact, recognized as fundamental levers of creating economic value of a company, and it is always more established the principle for which the value of a company must be measured through the value of the intangible assets owned by it.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili
certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili



The idea that certificates ideas. Patents, designs and know-how, are the true energy source for a new and winning industrial operating scheme.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili comitato controllo

Certification control

CEB is subject to control by the Safeguard and Impartiality Committee as a guarantee of reliability of the Certification Body.

valutazione economica asset beni intangibili banca costo del credito qualità certificazione

Certification quality

Believing in quality allows us to meet the needs of the clients and exceed their expectations by always improving ourselves.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili

Territorial validity

The certification issued by CEB, being consistent with the European Regulation 756/2008, is valid in the entire European territory.