Verify a Certification issued by CEB

In this section it is possible to query our database and carry out the search for Financial and Economic Certifications of intangible assets accredited by CEB. The search is carried out through a special query mask and by inserting the VAT registration number of the Company with certification it will be possible to check the validity of the registered certifications.

The data of organizations / companies with CEB financial and economic certification of intangible assets are susceptible to changes or updates.

The data provided through the query form are for information purposes only; for any requests or documentation, please contact us at our company addresses.

Certification Research:

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili
certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili
certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili

The Certification

The idea that certificates ideas. The real energy source for a new and winning industrial operational scheme.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili funzionamento

Why to Certificate

The reasons and the added value of the economic and financial certification of intangible assets.

certificazione valutazione economica asset beni intangibili servizi

Our activities

An innovative service, the assessments and certification of the economic and financial value of intangible assets.